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最近有同事發現有一個Ms Access的VBA不能正常地在一部測試用的64bit 的Window 2003上運行。雖然那個是預訂在32bit 視窗上運行的。

我們追查原因的時候,發現Scripting engine 的版本太舊。是故我們到微軟的網頁,希望可以下載Window Script 5.7,才發現沒有64 bit的版本。Windows Script在視窗

之前希望安裝IIS 的監察軟件,也發現缺少了64bit 的支援。

眼看蘋果將64 bit OS正規化,而微軟則視它為「二奶」。很多更新只推出了32 bit,遲遲都未看到64 bit的蹤影。

想當年,微軟能一力擔成設計USB的創舉,現在連支援64 bit 都力有不遞。現在的微軟已是明日黃花了。

後記:經跟朋友討論,其實,微軟的32bit及64bit看來是不同的開發團隊,他們有不同的產品,所以很多時候,有些產品只有 32bit或64bit的版本。 至於Microsoft Scripting Engine沒有新的64 bit 版本是比較可惜的,用它來寫VBScript, JScript的文本程式是十分方便的。

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後來,當我看到另一期解除程式時,才知道自己攪錯了。跟著,我開始跟著專欄寫練習四則運算的電腦程式。我發覺,我可以一方面練習算術,一方面學習寫電腦。於是,我開始在圖書館閱讀寫程式的書。到了初中學,我會一方面上堂,一方面寫程式,老師們還以為我在勤力地寫筆記呢! 這時,每到午餐,我會省下數元,好讓我每個月買「電腦時代」。每期的「電腦時代」都有不同的程式。我喜歡對著這本電腦雜誌,演算著每一個電腦指令的結果。

到了上大學的時候,我申請了支助及貸款,並用貸款買了一部IBM XT 電腦。電腦課程教的是Pascal,由於我已習慣寫電腦程式,所以,學Pascal是十分輕鬆的。到了大二年級,我要用電腦編寫物理學有關的模擬程式,由於,我比較熟識GW Basic,我就用它交了一份自己很滿意的習作。

大學三年級,我開始自己學習C語言,結果自己儲錢賣了一套Microsoft C連帶Microsoft Assembly 6.0。後來,畢業後做了年多,又回到大學做研究。我開始寫Visual Basic及網頁。



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今天利用Google Translate去確認俄文翻譯時,發現了很古怪的結果。


1. 翻譯的指令不成功。
2. 翻譯資料出現問題,可能人為出錯,也可能曾被入侵。

在正常情況下,Google Translate會保留不能被翻譯的字眼。這是我第一次看到有檔案名字,這情況不尋常。
如果有駭客看中某些Open Source Project,他可以主動參與,然後加入一些漏洞及加入Google Translate API的代碼。這些漏洞可以利用諸如SQL Injection的技巧,然後取得網站的設定檔案、甚至是密碼檔案。

我將這個問題匯報給Google Translate: http://groups.google.com/group/google-translate-general/browse_thread/thread/3df92ee489bc810c#


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協作管理,意思是管理多位作者同時創作的管理方法。「協作」這詞語最早被用在「谷歌」的「協作系統」中,可是「協作系統」的英文名「Google Site」卻沒有協作的意思。「谷歌」的「協作系統」是一個網頁系統。這個系統的優點是容許多位作者同一段時間去更改網頁內容。當兩位作者同一時間開啟同一份文件而又在差不多的時候進行更新,第一位更新者可以順利更新,新二位更新者會收到訊息,該頁已被其他人更新。這種型式,就是最常見的協作手法之一。

協作管理的最大的功用就是提供版本管理的服務。我們利用栛作系統,就可以追蹤每個版本之間的分別,以及由誰去負責某個版本等等。Open source型式開發的計劃,多數採用協作管理,這樣,不同的地域、時間的人,可以根據自己的生活的規律來參與Open source的開發,大家討可以利用「協作系統」來招募參與者、分配不同的角式、引發討論、分析問題、制訂目標、更新內容、版本管理、擬訂合約細節、編寫說明、進行翻譯、追蹤及跟進問題、甚至用作測試等等。

自從協作管理在互聯網上誕生後,大大小小不同的跨國性的計劃就不斷地展開。而不同型式的「協作管理系統」也不斷地誕生。最早期的有Concurrent Version Control, Subversion, Microsoft Visual Source Safe,..等等。以至到近期的github, Google Code, Google Wave, SourceForge, CodePlex, Google Site, OfficeLive, Google Documents, wordpress,…等等,不再局限在程式編寫,亦包括文件、網頁、繪圖、Blog等等的協作計劃。


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Recently, a lot of people are talking about developing iphone applications. Iphone is hot and it gives golden opportunities for programmers. Seeing the great wave in technology, I have started my career in writing iphone applications, too.

Unfortunately, I am new to Mac platform and I am not used to write code in Objective-C. Therefore, I have to spend a lot of time learning everything from scratch. The learning process is hard and this recall me on how I learned jQuery two years ago.

If you want to learn a new language and get used to the language, you have to study the basic concepts, analysis examples and try to write you own. It especially took you a lot of time in searching relevant examples and looking up the syntax of commands before you can complete one piece of your own code.

Two years ago, the resources available for people to learn jQuery are limited. Almost all my knowledge was come from the jQuery’s website: www.jquery.com. And you can still find examples, syntax and basic concept there. The website had provided sufficient information for me at the beginning. However, as I reached certain level of understanding of jQuery, I found out that, if I want to have further understanding and improvement in effectiveness of writing jQuery code, I have to write my own jQuery plugins. So, I changed my focus to jQuery plugins and started to write jQuery plugins in a latter time.

As you visit www.jquery.com, you will find a brief introduction about how to write a jQuery plugin. However, the information provided is not sufficient for advanced learners who needed to write plugins for specific purpose. At that time, I was requested to write an online magazine using jQuery In order to apply jQuery plugins in my project, I’d spent a lot of time, searching relevant plugins from the internet and downloading them to my computer. I’d studied the code of the plugins line by line. I’d tried to use them and then rewrite them in my code before I could have a full understanding about every plugins I download. And, finally, I was able to convert my knowledge to a workable solution in my project.

If there was a book which had provided an in-depth explanation of the concepts of jQuery plugin, together with useful examples categorized by the nature of application, I could save a lot of time and I could have a shorter learning cycle in jQuery and jQuery plugins.

In the mid-December, I’ve received a book from Packt. “jQuery 1.4 Plugin Development – Build powerful, interactive plugins to implement jQuery to its best – Beginner’s Guide” which is a eBook written by Giulio Bai.  I’ve started reading the eBook during my Christmas holiday.  As you know, a book for concepts and examples is essential in learning jQuery, this book is what I looked for a long time.

During my holiday, in most of the time, I liked to sit in front of my computer with a cup of hot coffee. One day, I opened the eBook, I started reading from the front page, then I skipped the first Chapter, which is about the introduction on jQuery. On the other hand, as a designers of some jQuery plugins, I am quite interested how other people teaches jQuery plugin. So, I have read chapter 2 carefully. After finished reading chapter 2, I found myself quite satisfied with the book. In this chapter, the language is plain, the steps are clear and everything is quite easy to understand. And this is the first book that introduces the concepts and differences between function plugins and method plugins.

The topics as well as the examples in books are comprehensive: Image plugins, audio plugins, video plugins, form plugins, menu plugins, navigation plugins, animation plugins, utility plugins, etc.  This book save us a lot of time from collecting different type of jQuery plugins.  Thus, we can focus on those plugins that we feel interested.

The most valuable materials are always in the later part of a book.  So, if you turn the pages to later part, for instance, Chapter 13, you’ll find a top 10 list of jQuery Plugins recommend by the author, Guilio. In this chapter, he had shared the findings and thoughts which he had spent a lot of time and effort before in studying those top jQuery Plugins.  And he will tell you what’s the secrets for top 10 jQuery plugins.

I recommend people reading this book. And I think this book is especially useful for those who have the basic knowledge of jQuery and wants to have a in-depth understanding of jQuery and jQuery plugins.  If you have spare time, you can try the “pop quiz” section provided in the latter part of every chapter. And you’ll find a lot of fun in do the pop quiz, too. Here is the link and cover of the book:

jquery 1.4 plugin develop - Beginner's Guide

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他說,他後悔沒有做Exit Plan。兩年前,他看中iPhone App的市場,毅然再戰江湖。今個浪潮沒有盲目的熱錢。收入的多少在乎的不是「大行的推介」,而是使用者的認同。不需耍有Angel Investors,不需要有公關公司包裝,使用者看到的是下載次數,其他使用者的評論。




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他剛剛做了一個只有標題、公司標誌、功能選單、底部註釋的網頁。這個網頁是他從其他網頁中將內容抽起而成的。他不明白為何他做測試時,瀏覽器會彈出Stack Overflow的警告。其他同事寫的網頁,沒有發生問題,為何他的會發生問題呢?

於是,我將他設計的網頁打開一看。發覺引致瀏覽器會彈出Stack Overflow的警告的原因,是網頁中的有一些Javascript發生了問題。於是教他從Javascript角度跟進。





我說,你的思考方式不正確啊!JavaScript 的問題,應該用Javascript 解決。Programmer的價值在於發現以及去解決問題。


我說,程式的好壞不在於運行多久。JavaScript 不應該設計成只許運行一次,這是考慮得不夠周詳的問題。最簡單就是加入防止重覆執行的機制,或根本性地作出改動。ASP的問題,用ASP 解決,JavaScript 的問題用Javascript 解決。每一層次都各自解決問題,才會減少漏洞。


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So actually what will happen when your ip has been blocked by Google. 

If you’ve just “searched too fast” or “infected with computer virus” or running “robots”, the following will come up:

  1. You will be redirected to a page, a saying that “We’re sorry… … but your computer or network may be sending automated quries. To protect our users,  we can’t process your request  right now. The page is located in the sorry.google.com server, e.g., http://sorry.google.com/sorry/Captcha?continue=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&id=2517167959383899603&captcha=destorm.  Inside the page, there is a captcha, (usually pure characters, however, in some google server, the captcha may be pure numeric). If you want to see random captcha, here is the link: http://sorry.google.com/sorry/image?id=3997555809511330333 
  2. Of course, you have to type the Captcha correctly and press the “I’m human!” button, before you can resume normal operation.
  3. Then you there will be a redirect together with a posted “password” send to your original server.
  4. However, if you try other google’s servers, for example, http://www.google.ad …, etc.  You will be redirected to the sorry.google.com server again.  If you clear y0ur cookies and restart IE,  you will be redirected to the sorry.google.com again.

What will happen if you ignore these and keep on searching by typing the query in the address bar?

  1. Your IP will blocked for a longer time.  If you clear cookies,  you have to enter the captcha again.  Once, I’ve seen the Google’s Japan server keep asking me captcha regardless I’ve entered the captcha correctly.
  2. So far, I haven’t come across a case that google block the ip permanently.  So, after certain time, your ip will be released again.

Happy Programming


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